All-Round Creatives, Multipotentialites, Generalists: Unite!

Creativity and overwhelm often go hand in hand. Especially for us all-round creatives. A mind that easily hops from details to the bigger picture and back, and that knows how to connect topics from different fields, is bound to need rest and take a step back now and then. And even if we do, we can still be overflown with ideas and impulses.

I sometimes find myself walking around like a headless chicken, picking up a brush, oh wait a pencil, no a crochet hook. To deal with this, I came up with a few methods to both calm my mind and wake up my creativity. 

If you love to create with all kinds of materials and you still get stuck sometimes, this is the class for you.

A Class for Multipotentialites

Because I realised this is an issue for many generalists/all-rounders/multipotentialites (I keep using these different words to describe us so you will recognise the term that suits you), I decided to contribute a whole online course on the topic. Of course, as I was creating the class, I ran into the same issue. I had so many ideas that it could have taken me months to finish.

But then I got the idea to turn it into a growing class. A class that I will be adding new videos to and a class that the participants can make requests for.

Four different pictures of creative mediums: digital pen and tablet, Music, baking, video-editing.

In a way it is an interactive class since students can make requests for new videos. If a request gives me an idea and I think it can be helpful to more people, I will create a tailor-made video.

You can also drop questions below this post. I am very curious what you run into in your multi-creative practice. When are you in your flow? When do you get stuck? 

Who is it for?

Who is the class for? This online course is for creatives who enjoy working with more than one medium. And it’s for creative makers with a very creative mind that gets you in trouble because you feel overwhelmed and get stuck.
The rather strange exercises in this class will help you both calm your mind and get you back in your creative flow. Here’s a post about one of the methods from the class.

I sometimes find myself walking around like a headless chicken, picking up a brush, oh wait a pencil, no a crochet hook. 

Empty jars with labels idea, idea waiting room, for all-round creativity class.

A trick to stop yourself from overwhelm, clear your mind and store your ideas for later.

How can I participate?

The class is on the online learning platform Skillshare, which has a subscription model that allows you to choose between a monthly or yearly subscription.
With the button below you may try this out for a month. Not only can you then take all of my classes >>, but you can also learn anything else. There are thousands of amazing classes for creatives who use tangible mediums and/or operate in the digital realm. Watercolour painting, Procreate, Video-Editing, Meditation, Notion, you name it; there is a class about it.

It works a bit like Spotify does for music. The teacher gets paid per minute watched and I get a percentage of your first payment if you decide to stay.  
I invite you to follow the link, sign up, and simply try it out. 

Screen shot of the cover of my class for All-Round Creatives.

Class cover for my class: Peculiar Prompts for All-Round Creatives: Gain Confidence and Find Your Flow

The rather strange exercises in this class will help you both calm your mind and get you back in your creative flow.