A Little Discomfort Can Set You Free Too

Embracing discomfort does not seem appealing. I don’t know about you, but when creating something, I often avoided feeling uncomfortable and worked with the best tools and materials.
However, over time, I’ve learned that this may not be the best starting point for getting into a creative flow. When everything is perfect, this heightens our expectations and thus feelings of anxiety and fear of failure may arise. So when I can’t seem to get going and have a mind full of distracting thoughts, I sometimes make a conscious choice to swap comfort for a little more challenging situation.

I learned that discomfort can help us makers free ourselves from creative block. Plus, it can lead to some unique art.

Making a conscious choice to swap comfort for a little more challenging situation can help us makers free ourselves from creative block.

Using Imperfect Tools for Creative Advantage

Instead of relying on perfect instruments, working with basic tools forces us artists to adapt and embrace imperfections. What else can we do? A piece of cloth on a stick for a paintbrush and sticking something in front of your camera lens will prevent us from nitpicking. Finally, working with our non-dominant hand will both free us and force us to discover quality in a more ragged result.

This approach can also create a style that is raw and original, standing out from more polished work. Focusing on the act of creation rather than perfection can lead to more relaxed and natural art or it can simple serve as a springboard or a warm up to get going and continue in our original style.

Strips of red paper in front of a lens

Weathering the Storm: Finding Inspiration in Lousy Circumstances

When we create art outdoors in tough weather, it pushes us out of our comfort zone. Our determination gets tested and it adds fresh energy to our work. The unpredictable weather – water on our canvas or rain on our lens (use a clear cover) – brings spontaneity and surprise, often missing indoors. Since the weather affects how paint acts (and most mediums), we lose some control. Our perfectionism gets a break and this can inspire us to try new techniques.

You are no longer fully in charge which can lead to the exploration of new techniques.

This demands quick, decisive strokes and a loosening of control, often resulting in a raw and energetic output.

Clay shaping tool and a mixer hook

Replace your clay shaping tool with something courser, like a hook from the mixer.

Creativity in Motion: Embracing Dynamic Movement

Creating while moving, like walking or even running, brings a dynamic energy that’s hard to replicate in a static setting. This demands quick, decisive strokes and a loosening of control, often resulting in a raw and energetic output and surprising and innovative results. Working in motion forces us to turn our ideas into quick work, often resulting in unique outcomes.

It’s a testament to the notion that constraints can indeed serve as a channel to greater creativity.

The Power of Adversity in Artistic Growth

Facing challenging circumstances and tools doesn’t just help in the moment of creation. It also teaches us adaptability, problem-solving, and the ability to capture ideas under pressure. These experiences enrich our skills and make us more versatile and resilient as artists.

Join me in Discomfort

In conclusion, embracing discomfort can be a big help in our creative practice. Working with unconventional tools and in challenging situations can free us from creative block and stifling perfectionism. In addition, it can push our boundaries and promote adaptability.

Did you know that I made an online class that includes a lesson on this topic? People love this exercise and it helps them a lot to get going again.
I invite you to join me and the participants in this new and slightly strange class: Peculiar Prompts for All-Round Creatives: Gain Confidence & Find Your Flow. You can read more here or jump straight to it here >>.

If you follow the second link or the button below, it will take you to the sign-up page on Skillshare. And if you are new to the platform, you may try it out for free for a whole month.

See you in class!
– Lucy

Screen shot of the cover of my class for All-Round Creatives. https://skl.sh/4bljqYZ

Class cover for my class: Peculiar Prompts for All-Round Creatives: Gain Confidence and Find Your Flow