Coming Out

After years of labeling myself as a portrait photographer, I finally decided to break free from the constraints of that title and embrace the multifaceted creator within me. I even made a little video to celebrate my ‘coming out’.

It was as if I had confined my creativity within the frame of a photograph, limiting my potential to explore other mediums freely.

For far too long, I had confined myself to the narrow definition of a portrait photographer. I definitely cherished capturing the essence of individuals through photography and helping them deal with camera-shyness and seeing the beauty within, was gratifying. Nonetheless, I felt a need to openly share how I express myself through various forms of art. It was as if I had confined my creativity within the frame of a photograph, limiting my potential to explore other mediums freely.

How is this for You?

Can you relate? I would love to hear from you. Which creative mediums do you love and what are or have been your struggles? Share it below!

Tubes of Watercolour Paint. Part of my practice as a multi-creative maker.

Let’s Stop Obeying Limiting Voices

In the world of marketing, but also in general, many believe that you have to carve out a specific, narrow niche and become an expert in that one thing to succeed. While this strategy can definitely work, it’s not the only way. It is my firm belief that instead of just focusing on one area, folks with a generalist mindset actually connect different ideas and bring new perspectives to the table. Being able to blend diverse concepts and pull from a wide range of knowledge can be just as valuable as being a total pro in one field. Embracing a more general approach doesn’t just give you more freedom and adaptability; it also opens the door to innovative ideas and creating unique value in the market.

So let’s ditch the idea that only experts can make it. You can unleash your multi-creative inner beast to make an impact in all sorts of areas.

You can unleash your multi-creative inner beast to make an impact in all sorts of areas.

Lucy seen from behind while painting an apple

Trying to find the essence of an apple

Woman (Lucy Lambriex) on the roof of her garden house.

I now embrace the multifaceted creator within me.

Boundless Creativity

No more feeling bound by labels and expectations. Today, I openly dabble in painting, shaping clay, photographing life, animating stories, and I am discovering the possibilities of tools like Procreate and Procreate Dreams. The mindful quality of embroidery, the boundless possibilities of mixed media, and the art of collage have all found a place in my creative repertoire again.

As a cherry on this cake, I create online classes on Skillshare, where all this comes together and where I share how you can benefit from what I have learned.

Skeins of wool for knitting or crochet

Unlabel Yourselves

To those who may feel confined by the labels they’ve assigned themselves, I invite you to break free from the constraints of those titles and embrace the full spectrum of your creative potential. The world is vast, and so is our capacity to imagine, create, and innovate. Let’s embrace the freedom to redefine your creative identity and let your artistry flourish across all the mediums you like.

Woman (Lucy Lambriex) with a drill. Part of my practice as a multi-creative maker.

Learn with me

My classes are on the platform Skillshare, which has a subscription model. If you are new to Skillshare, you may try it out for a month. Not only can you then take all of my classes, that all have a photography component to them, but you can also learn anything else. From analog to digital painting, cooking and film editing, UX and meditation.
It works a bit like Spotify does for music. The teacher gets paid per minute watched and I get a percentage of your first payment if you decide to stay.
I invite you to follow the link, sign up and simply try it out. 

Screenshot of Lucy Lambriex on Skillshare

Join me in class!

Can you relate? I would love to hear from you. Which creative mediums do you love and what are or have been your struggles? Share it below!