See yourself, free yourself

Creative Inner Journeys

Are you a creative professional or a professional creative and are you not as kind to yourself as you wish to be? Is your Inner Critic a nasty personality in your life? Are you sometimes stuck?

There are ways to win back your creative confidence and flow! I’ve created a series of online classes, that are playful yet deep and effective. Read here about my most recent class for all-round creatives: Peculiar Prompts for All-Round Creatives: Gain Confidence and Find Your Flow . Or visit my website dedicated to that critical voice that keeps you from shining: The Inner Critic Series.

Anyone can join and if you are new to Skillshare, you can even try out the platform one month FREE.
Watch the lessons and do the work to free yourself.

Lucy Lambriex 

Hi creative professionals and professional creatives,

it’s so good to see you here!

I’ve come out. For 14 years I called myself a portrait photographer and indeed I made part of my living with portrait photography for camera-shy people. I loved doing it. Seeing people open up in front of my lens was heartwarming and inspiring. But it started gnawing at me: I am not a photographer. I do not care so much about photos as I do about what they can do for our mental health, creative confidence, and freedom.  

Photography is but a tool for greater things, as is the rest of my creative endeavours. 
Stay tuned to learn how I use it to help others!

Music: foolboymedia

This new site is still in progress and I would love to hear what you think (there is a form at the bottom). In the meantime, you are welcome to join me in my Inner Journeys on Skillshare. Skillshare is the online teaching platform where I host most of my classes and where I received the status of Top Teacher. Like my three classes on The Inner Critic, that will help you free yourself from the negative power of that often rude and nasty voice. On the right is a screenshot of my new class made for All-Round Creatives/Generalists/Multipotentialites, Peculiar Prompts for All-Round Creatives: Gain Confidence and Find Your Flow >>.

Go straight to it, or read more here >>.

The extra fun bit is that you will not only get a whole month of free access to my classes but also to the other thousands on offer.

Lucy Lambriex

Screen shot of the cover of my class for All-Round Creatives.

Free for new members!

Join me and Mrs. Scared on Skillshare via this link.

A link for new members to join Skillshare for free

New members get to try out the platform for free. For one whole month, you can access my classes and the thousands of other great classes out there, on nearly every topic. Go straight to the classes or read more about The Inner Critic Series on my special website >> and turn your Inner Critic into an ally!

Lucy Lambriex 

“My greatest lesson is that I shouldn’t believe everything I think. It’s an ongoing process that asks for a creative approach to the obstacles on my path.” – Lucy Lambriex

Some stills from my videos on Skillshare

Video still of me with Mrs Scared, my Inner Critic. Better mental health through playful, assignments that take you on an inner journey.
Together with Mrs Scared, my Inner Critic. Better mental health through playful, assignments that take you on an inner journey.
Still from my class featuring my Inner Critic at its ugliest.
Still from my class. Unlock Your Creativity with Photography and Writing.
Photo of a rain bun cut open.
Still from my online-class-on-creativity-and-better-mental-health

How do You Relate to Your Inner Critic?

To the right is a very unscientific graphic that shows how people may experience their Inner Critic. How is this for you? Are you okay with the voice in your head that talks you down and tries to stop you from embarking on new adventures? Would you like to discover how you can find a more positive co-existence with this sub-personality of yours? Come and join me and ‘Mrs Scared’ in my Inner Critic Series. Via this link you will receive a month of free access to the whole of Skillshare. 

  • Does not have a critical voice inside of their head – 2%
  • Is sabotaged and even paralyzed by their Inner Critic – 13%
  • Has an annoying Inner Critic but can deal with it – 45%
  • Is aware of the positive aspects of their Inner Critic – 9 %
Lucy Lambriex on a Persian rug outdoors

I’m Your Creative Inner Travel Agent

Creativity, photography, and turning inwards with reflective writing, are the tools for everything I do. With my approach, the tools will help you find a path to your inner nooks and crannies, in a light manner and at your own pace.

As a child, my mother taught me photography and I also inherited her creativity. My father’s genes and way of life gave me technical insight and the ability to solve problems. At the Rietveld Art Academy and in my personal life, all these qualities were sharpened and developed.
Life also threw some hefty lessons into my lap, just as it is supposed to be. It made me a more compassionate person. I also discovered how I turned my own pain into suffering, and I learned how to stop doing that. (I still do now and then.)
Over the years I’ve discovered I’m much more interested in photography and creative expression as a tool, than as a result. Therefore I am currently studying Therapeutic Photography and I paint with people with dementia to help them reconnect with themselves.

It is my dream to create a mixed offer of online and real life courses, workshops and sessions that will help people deal with loss, insecurity or anxiety. I strongly believe that we must face and go through the hardships of life in order to become free.

I’d love to take you on one of my creative Inner Journeys!

Lucy Lambriex

Let’s use photography and other creative mediums to make visible what is holding us back

Photography is a great tool for becoming visible and making visible. But there is a lot more. By being portrayed or taking photos and looking at them, you’ll get to know yourself better. You can work through painful bits beautifully. A creative practice can also help organise your thoughts, rewrite your history and visualise your future.
Let’s walk on this path together! 

Let’s do something together
tell me your wishes

Tell me who you are and let me know your question or proposal. I’m happy to send an email back and who knows we’ll meet one day!