Free Your Creativity With This Online Course!
Earlier in 2022 I published my class Unlock your Creativity with Photography and Writing on Skillshare. Many students have already been working on the assignments and counting! (And new classes were published as well, but more about those in another post.)
This topic makes me so happy. You will use the camera (or smartphone) and journaling / reflective writing as means to get creative again. The assignments make use of photography, but they have an effect on your mind that works with any type of creative expression. (In a sneaky way, this is a type of mini mindfulness training.) Via the button you can watch the intro video and if it appeals to you, you can sign up.
Who is it for?
Who is the course for? The online class is for you if you notice that you are so stuck in your head sometimes that you can’t think creatively anymore. When this hinders your creative thinking or creative expression, and you can’t draw, write, cook or solve a problem in your work.
You don’t need to have any special connection with photography for this to have an effect in your own medium. Photography and reflective writing are just the materials so to speak. And the five tools you will learn can be applied at any moment to help you get back into the ‘right’ mental state.
The class is for you if you notice that you are sometimes so stuck in your head that you can’t think creatively anymore.
The five tools of Unlock your Creativity with Photography and Writing (Free Your Creativity!)
How can I participate?
The class is on the platform Skillshare, which has a subscription model. With the button below you may try this out for a month, no strings attached. Not only can you then take all of my classes, but you can also learn anything else, from basic animation in ProCreate to independent filmmaking to watercolour for beginners and advanced learners.
It works a bit like Spotify does for music. The teacher gets paid per minute watched and I get a percentage of your first payment if you decide to stay.
I invite you to follow the link, sign up and simply try it out.
Some projects by participants
(In a sneaky way, this is a type of mini mindfulness training.)